Hello Buddies
Came across this question related Java String handling, so thought of sharing.
Given a string made up of n number of digits, find the digit having the maximum number of occurrence.
Eg. "12333123654"
Here, 3 is the digit being repeated for the maximum number of times.
First approach can be to scan the string as a character array, maintain a map that can update the occurrence count. In the end find the max value and then the corresponding key.
What is the complexity of this solution?
O(n^2) since we are iterating and using contains check.
Any better approach?
Solution with O(n) complexity, i.e. having a lookup array.
We have digits 0 to 9, which can be related to each index of an array. For the values, update the occurrence count in the values.
For complete solution, refer to this link.
Happy Coding!!
The complexity of the first approach is not n square, containsKey() method is constant time.